Palworld Weakness Chart: A Comprehensive Guide

Palworld Weakness Chart: A Comprehensive Guide

In the wildly popular open-world survival game Palworld, assembling the ultimate team of powerful Pals is key to thriving. But to truly dominate battles, you need to deeply understand the game’s intricate weakness chart.

This visual guide displays the strengths and vulnerabilities of each elemental “type” that Pals possess. Properly leveraging type matchups allows you to maximize damage output while minimizing incoming harm.

Today, we’re unpacking everything you need to know about the Palworld weakness chart. We’ll explore all the elemental types, decode their relationships, and reveal pro tips for constructing an unstoppable Pal squad.

Let’s get started!

The 9 Elemental Types of Palworld

In Palworld, every Pal falls under one of nine distinct elemental categories called “types.” These types define a Pal’s strengths, weaknesses, and even some of their special abilities in combat.

The different types are:

  • Fire 🔥
  • Grass 🌿
  • Water 💧
  • Ground 🌎
  • Electric ⚡
  • Ice ❄️
  • Dragon 🐲
  • Dark 🌑
  • Neutral 😐

Straightforward enough, right? Where it gets interesting is analyzing how these types interact with one another.

The Core Strengths and Weaknesses

The first key to mastering the Palworld weakness chart is understanding how each type performs offensively against the others. Generally speaking:

  • Every type has one other type it’s highly effective against
  • And one type that strongly resists its attacks

When your Pal’s type matches up favorably against an opponent, you’ll dish out double damage with the same attacks. But if the matchup is unfavorable, your Pal’s attacks will only deal half damage.

For example, a Fire-type Pal will deal 2x damage to Grass Pals yet take only 0.5x damage from Water attacks.

Here’s a quick overview of the one-way strengths and weaknesses:

  • Fire > Grass, Ice
  • Grass > Ground
  • Ground > Electric
  • Electric > Water
  • Water > Fire
  • Ice > Dragon
  • Dragon > Dark
  • Dark > Neutral
ElementStrong AgainstWeak to
FireGrass, IceWater

Note that Neutral types have no particular offensive strengths or weaknesses against other types.

Dual Types Shake Things Up

Now, let’s add another layer of strategy – many Pals actually possess two elemental types simultaneously! For example, the Pal Pengullet is both a Water and Ice-type.

When battling a dual-type Pal, you’ll need to account for its combined strengths and weaknesses from both categories. Using our earlier examples:

  • A Fire attack would be highly effective against Pengullet’s Ice side yet badly resisted by its Water component
  • Essentially canceling each other out to normal, 1x damage

This adds immense depth to team-building in Palworld. You’ll constantly be juggling different type matchups to determine your optimal Pal lineup for any given situation.

The Full Palworld Type Matchup Chart

Feeling overwhelmed yet? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered with this comprehensive Palworld weakness chart displaying all the strengths and weaknesses at a glance:

Attack TypeFireGrassWaterGroundElectricIceDragonDarkNeutral

In this table, read across each row to see how an attack of that type fares against every other Pal category. The numbers represent:

  • 2x = super effective
  • 1x = normal effectiveness
  • 0.5x = resisted/not very effective

For example, looking at the Water row, you can see that Water attacks deal:

  • 2x damage to Fire and Ground types
  • Normal 1x damage to Grass, Water, Ice, Dragon, and Dark
  • While being resisted for 0.5x damage by Electric and Neutral Pals

Keep this chart handy or memorize those key matchups as you venture out to catch ’em all!

Pro Palworld Team-Building Tips

Now that we’ve thoroughly explored the Palworld weakness system, here are some advanced tips to truly master it:

1. Diversify Your Squad – Make sure to cover as many types as possible so you always have an answer for any opposing threats. An ideal squad features a good spread of different categories.

2. Double Up on Versatile Types – Certain types like Dragon and Ground lack any double weaknesses, making them incredibly versatile. It’s wise to carry multiple Pals of these types.

3. Capitalize on Shared Strengths – Pack multiple Pals that share the same one or two key offensive strengths. This allows you to ruthlessly exploit those type advantages.

4. scout Ahead When Possible – If you can scout the types of Pals awaiting in an area, proactively configure your squad with the right counters.

5. mind the weather – Some zones in Palworld feature inclement weather effects that temporarily increase or decrease the potency of certain types. Plan accordingly!

6. Elemental Moves Matter Too – In addition to a Pal’s base type, certain moves of a different elemental type can provide auxiliary coverage or vulnerabilities.

7. Exploit Anti-Neutral Advantage – Dark types deal bonus damage to Neutral Pals, making this a key offensive angle on your squad.

Taking Your Palworld Game to New Heights

There you have it – a comprehensive breakdown of the Palworld weakness chart and how to leverage it to craft an unstoppable monster-taming team.

While it may seem daunting at first, mastering these type matchups gives you a significant edge against any opposition. It adds unmatched strategic depth to Palworld’s combat system.

Whether you’re a veteran monster catcher or just starting your journey, firmly grasping type advantages puts you on the path to becoming a true Pal master.

Start experimenting with different elemental combinations for your squad today. Devise counters for every possible threat. Then watch as your mighty Pals steamroll across the lands with incredible might!

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