Palworld Pals List: All 137 Pals!!

Palworld Pals List: All 137 Pals!!

Are you a passionate Palworld player striving to capture every single Pal in the game? With over 137 unique Pal species already available and more promised for future updates, having a comprehensive reference guide is indispensable.

This ultimate collector’s guide aims to be your one-stop resource for all the Pals currently found in Palworld. We’ve meticulously compiled a list organized by their Paldeck numbers, complete with details like element types, special abilities, locations where they can be encountered, and more. Rest assured, we’ll keep this guide frequently updated to reflect any new Pal additions or changes.

Table of Contents

Palworld Pal Species Count

At the time of writing, there are 137 distinct Pal species that players can encounter and aim to collect in Palworld. It’s worth noting that this tally includes variations within the same species, such as the Jolthog Cryst being counted separately from the regular Jolthog.

However, the developers have hinted that the full release will see a substantial increase in the Pal population, potentially soaring to an incredible 200 unique species.

Not all 137 of the current Pal species can be found roaming freely in the wild, though. Some, like the Elphidran Aqua and the Reptyro Cryst, can only be obtained through dedicated breeding efforts within the game.

The Comprehensive Palworld Pal List

Here is the definitive list encompassing all 137 Pal species currently available in Palworld. Each entry is neatly organized by its respective Paldeck number and includes essential details such as the Pal’s element type(s), unique Partner Skill, and the locations where it can be found or obtained.

Palworld features a total of 9 distinct elements: Fire, Grass, Ice, Water, Dragon, Dark, Neutral, Electric, and Ground.

[Include full list of 137 Pals with Paldeck numbers, elements, skills, locations, etc.]

This exhaustive Palworld Pal list is your indispensable companion on your journey to collect every single one of these fascinating creatures. Be sure to bookmark this guide and check back frequently, as we’ll continue updating it with any new Pal arrivals or changes.

Palworld Pals List

Pal NamePaldeck NumberElementPartner SkillDropsLocation
Lamball001NeutralFluffy ShieldWool, Lamball MuttonPlateau of Beginnings, Grassy Behemoth Hills, Fort Ruins
Cattiva002NeutralCat HelperRed BerriesPlateau of Beginnings, Grassy Behemoth Hills, Sealed Realm of the Frozen Wings
Chikipi003NeutralEgg LayerEgg, Chikipi PoultryPlateau of Beginnings, Grassy Behemoth Hills, Sealed Realm of the Frozen Wings
Lifmunk004GrassLifmunk RecoilBerry Seeds, Low Grade Medical SuppliesSmall Settlement, Sea Breeze Archipelago, Forgotten Island Church Ruins
Foxparks005FireHuggy FireLeather, Flame OrganSealed Realm of the Frozen Wings, Natural Bridge, Eastern Wild Island
Fuack006WaterSurfing SlamLeather, Pal FluidsRavine Entrance, Desolate Church, Sealed Realm of the Frozen Wings
Sparkit007ElectricStatic ElectricityElectric OrganSealed Realm of the Frozen Wings, Desolate Church, Small Settlement
Tanzee008GrassCheery RifleMushroomsFort Ruins, Desolate Church, Bridge of the Twin Knights
Rooby009FireTiny SparkFlame Organ, LeatherNatural Bridge, Islandhoppper Coast, Marsh Island Church Ruins
Pengullet010Water, IcePengullet CannonIce Organ, Pal FluidsGrassy Behemoth Hills, Small Settlement, Fort Ruins
Penking011Water, IceBrave SailorIce Organ, Penking PlumeNo.1 Wildlife Sanctuary, Sealed Realm of the Frozen Wings
Jolthog012ElectricJolt BombElectric OrganDesolate Church, Northwest Windswept Hills
Jolthog Cryst012bIceCold BombIce OrganDesolate Church
Gumoss013GrassLogging AssistanceBerry Seeds, Gumoss LeafSea Breeze Archipelago Church, Sea Breeze Archipelago Castaway Beach, Investigator’s Fork
Vixy014NeutralDig Here!Leather, BoneDesolate Church, Small Settlement, Sealed Realm of the Frozen Wings
Hoocrates015DarkDark KnowledgeFiber, High Grade Technical ManualPlateau of Beginnings, Islandhopper Coast, Marsh Island
Teafant016WaterSoothing ShowerPal FluidsEastern Wild Island, Fort Ruins, Sea Breeze Archipelago Castaway Beach
Depresso017DarkCaffeine InoculationVenom GlandIslandhopper Coast, Marsh Island Church Ruins, Natural Bridge
Cremis018NeutralFluffy WoolWoolRayne Syndicate Tower Entrance, Desolate Church, Sealed Realm of the Frozen Wings
Daedream019DarkDream ChaserVenom Gland, Small Pal SoulSealed Realm of the Frozen Wings, Natural Bridge, Eastern Wild Island
Rushoar020GroundHard HeadRushoar Pork, Leather, BoneSmall Settlement, Sealed Realm of the Frozen Wings, Small Cove
Nox021DarkKuudereLeather, Small Pal SoulSmall Settlement, Fort Ruins, Rayne Syndicate Tower Entrance
Fuddler022GroundOre DetectorLeatherSealed Realm of the Winged Tyrant, Deep Sand Dunes, PIDF Tower Entrance
Killamari023DarkFried SquidVenom GlandMost dungeons
Mau024DarkGold DiggerGold CoinMarsh Island Church Ruins, Most dungeons
Mau Cryst024bIceGold DiggerIce Organ, SapphireNo Man’s Trail, Icy Weasel Hill, Unthawable Lake
Celaray025WaterZephyr GliderPal FluidsSea Breeze Archipelago Castaway Beach, Azurobe Hill, Forgotten Island
Pal NamePaldeck NumberElementPartner SkillDropsLocation
Direhowl026NeutralDirehowl RiderLeather, Ruby, Gold CoinRavine Entrance, Bridge of the Twin Knights, Sealed Realm of the Swordmaster
Tocotoco027NeutralEggbomb LancherGunpowder, Tocotoco FeatherSand Dunes Entrance, Duneshelter, PIDF Tower Entrance
Flopie028GrassHelper BunnyLow Grade Medical Supplies, Wheat SeedsHypocrite Hill, Petallia Alpha
Mozzarina029NeutralMilk MakerMozzarina Meat, MilkSacred Realm of the Swordmaster, Ascetic Falls, Sacred Realm of the Thunder Dragon
Bristla030GrassPrincess GazeWheat Seeds, Lettuce SeedsMount Flopie Summit, Gobfin’s Turf
Gobfin031WaterAngry SharkPal FluidsGobfin’s Turf
Gobfin Ignis031bFireAngry SharkFlame OrganBeach of Everlasting Summer, Eternal Pyre Tower Entrance
Hangyu032GroundFlying TrapezeFiberDeep Sand Dunes, Investigator’s Fork
Hangyu Cryst032bIceFlying TrapezeFiber, Ice OrganIcy Weasel Hill, Unthawable Lake, Pristine Snow Field
Mossanda033GrassGrenadier PandaMushroom, Leather, Tomato SeedsSealed Realm of the Swift, Snowy Mountain Fork
Mossanda Lux033bElectricGrenadier PandaMushroom, Leather, Electric OrganEastern Wind Island
Woolipop034NeutralCandy PopCotton Candy, High Quality Pal OilSacred Realm of the Swordmaster, Ravine Entrance, Sacred Realm of the Thunder Dragon
Caprity035GrassBerry PickerCaprity Meat, Red Berries, HornFort Ruins, Sealed Realm of the Frozen Wings, Small Settlement
Melpaca036NeutralPacapaca WoolWool, LeatherGrassy Behemoth Hills, Small Settlement, Ravine Entrance
Eikthyrdeer037NeutralGuardian of the ForestEikthyrdeer Venison, Leather, HornGrassy Behemoth Hills, Fort Ruins, Rayne Syndicate Tower Entrance
Eikthyrdeer Terra037bGroundGuardian of the Golden ForestEikthyrdeer Venison, Leather, HornNo. 1 Wildlife Sanctuary
Nitewing038NeutralTravel CompanionLeatherGrassy Behemoth Hills, Islandhopper Coast, Sea Breeze Archipelago Church
Ribunny039NeutralSkilled FingersLeather, Beautiful FlowerAscetic Falls, Sealed Realm of the Thunder Dragon, Sealed Realm of the Winged Tyrant
Incineram040Fire, DarkFlameclaw HunterHorn, LeatherEternal Pyre Tower Entrance, Beach of Everlasting Summer, Occasional base raids
Incineram Noct040bDarkDarkclaw HunterHorn, LeatherNo. 2 Wildlife Sanctuary
Cinnamoth041GrassMysterious ScalesHoney, Lettuce Seeds, Wheat SeedsAncient Ritual Site, Hypocrite Hill, Mount Flopie Summit
Arsox042FireWarm BodyHorn, Flame OrganDeep Bamboo Thicket, No Man’s Trail, Icy Weasle Hill
Dumud043GroundSoil ImproverRaw Dumud, High Quality Pal OilNortheast of Sealed Realm of Winged Tyrant
Cawgnito044DarkTelepeckBone, Venom Gland, Small Pal SoulSealed Realm of the Swordmaster, Sealed Realm of the Thunder Dragon, Deep Bamboo Thicket
Leezpunk045DarkSixth SenseCopper Key, Silver KeyFisherman’s Point, Mount Obsidian Anubis Statue, Beach of Everlasting Summer
Leezpunk Ignis045bFireSixth SenseFlame Organ, Silver KeyBeach of Everlasting Summer, Eternal Pyre Tower Entrance, Mount Obsidian Midpoint
Loupmoon046DarkClaws Glistening in the DarkBoneRavine Entrance, Investigator’s Fork
Galeclaw047NeutralGaleclaw RiderGaleclaw Poultry, LeatherAncient Ritual Site, Hypocrite Hill, Lake Center
Robinquill048GrassHawk EyeWheat Seeds, ArrowDevout’s Mineshaft, Petallia boss, Hypocrite Hill
Robinquill Terra048bGroundHawk EyeWheat Seeds, ArrowSand Dunes Entrance, Duneshelter, PIDF Tower Entrance
Gorirat049NeutralFull-power Gorilla ModeLeather, BoneSealed Realm of the Guardian, Snowy Mountain Fork, Sealed Realm of the Swift
Beegarde050GrassWorker BeeHoneyGobfin’s Turf, Cold Shore, Sealed Realm of the Guardian
Elizabee051GrassQueen Bee CommandHoney, Elizabee’s StaffFree Pal Alliance Tower Entrance, Sealed Realm of the Swift
Grintale052NeutralPlump BodyHigh Quality Pal OilAncient Ritual Site, Hypocrite Hill, Snowy Mountain Fork
Swee053IceFluffyWoolInvestigator’s Fork, Sealed Realm of the Thunder Dragon
Sweepa054IceKing of FluffWoolInvestigator’s Fork, Sealed Realm of the Thunder Dragon
Chillet055Ice, DragonWriggling WeaselLeatherFort Ruins, Free Pal Alliance Tower Entrance, Cold Shore
Univolt056ElectricSwift DeityLeather, Electric Organ, HornDeep Bamboo Thicket, Sealed Realm of the Winged Tyrant
Foxcicle057IceAurora GuideLeather, Ice OrganFree Pal Alliance Tower Entrance
Pyrin058FireRed HareFlame Organ, LeatherRuined Fortress City, Mount Obsidian Midpoint, Eternal Pyre Tower Entrance
Pyrin Noct058bFire, DarkBlack HareFlame Organ, LeatherRuined Fortress City, Mount Obsidian Midpoint, Beach of Everlasting Summer
Reindrix059IceCool BodyReindrix Venison, Leather, Horn, Ice OrganFree Pal Alliance Tower Entrance, Icy Weasel Hill, Unthawable Lake
Rayhound060ElectricJumping ForceElectric OrganDuneshelter, Deep Sand Dunes
Kitsun061FireKindling Level 2Clear MindFlame Organ, LeatherFree Pal Alliance Tower Entrance
Dazzi062ElectricHandiwork Level 1, Transporting Level 1, Generating Electricity Level 1Lady of LightningElectric OrganSand Dunes Entrance, Duneshelter, PIDF Tower Entrance
Lunaris063NeutralHandiwork Level 3, Transporting Level 1, Gathering Level 1AntigravityPaldium FragmentSea Breeze Archipelago
Dinossom064Grass, DragonPlanting Level 2, Lumbering Level 2Fragrant DragonWheat SeedsGrassy Behemoth Hills, Desolate Church
Dinossom Lux064bElectric, DragonGenerating Electricity Level 2, Lumbering Level 2Thunder DragonTomato SeedsPIDF Tower Entrance, Duneshelter
Surfent065WaterWatering Level 2Swift SwimmerPal FluidsSealed Realm of the Swordmaster, Gobfin’s Turf
Surfent Terra065GroundGathering Level 1Sand SwimmerPal FluidsDeep Sand Dunes
Maraith066DarkGathering Level 2, Mining Level 1Messenger of DeathBone, Small Pal SoulPristine Snow Field, Land of Absolute Zero, Unthawable Lake
Digtoise067GroundMining Level 3Drill CrusherOre, High Quality Pal OilDeep Sand Dunes, northeast of Sacred Realm of the Winged Tyrant
Tombat068DarkTransporting Level 2, Gathering Level 2, Mining Level 2Ultrasonic SensorLeather, Small pal SoulFort Ruins, Small Settlement, Bridge of the Twin Knights
Lovander069NeutralHandiwork Level 2, Medicine Production Level 2, Transporting Level 2, Mining Level 1Heart DrainMushroom, Cake, Suspicious Juice, Strange JuiceSand Dunes Entrance, Duneshelter, Deep Sand Dunes
Flambelle070FireKindling Level 1, Handiwork Level 1, Transporting Level 1, Farming Level 1Magma TearsFlame Organ, High Quality Pal OilRavine Grotto, Mount Obsidian Midpoint
Pal NamePaldeck NumberElementSkill ProficienciesPartner SkillDropsLocation
Vanwyrm071Fire, DarkKindling Level 1, Transporting Level 3Aerial MarauderBone, Ruby, Gold CoinRavine Entrance, Sealed Realm of the Swordmaster, Mount Obsidian Anubis Statue
Vanwyrm Cryst071bIce, DarkCooling Level 2, Transporting Level 3Aerial MarauderBone, Sapphire, Ice OrganCold Shore, No Man’s Trail, Icy Weasle Hill
Bushi072FireKindling Level 2, Handiwork Level 1, Lumbering Level 3, Transporting Level 2, Gathering Level 1Brandish BladeBone, IngotNo.3 Wildlife Sanctuary, Fisherman’s Point
Beakon073ElectricTransporting Level 3, Generating Electricity Level 2, Gathering Level 1ThunderousElectric OrganDeep Sand Dunes, Far North
Ragnahawk074FireKindling Level 3, Transporting Level 3Flame WingFlame OrganBeach of Everlasting Summer, Mount Obsidian Anubis Status, Fisherman’s Point
Katress075DarkGrimoire CollectorHandiwork Level 2, Medicine Production Level 2, Transporting Level 2Leather, Katress Hair, High Grade Technical ManualSealed Realm of the Guardian, Snowy Mountain Fork, Sealed Realm of the Swift
Wixen076FireLord FoxFlame Organ, High Grade Technical ManualFoot of the Volcano, Ancient Civilization Ruins, Mount Obsidian Midpoint
Verdash077GrassGrassland SpeedsterLeather, BoneNo.2 Wildlife Sanctuary
Vaelet078GrassPurification of GaiaLow Grade Medical Supplies, Tomato SeedsNo.1 Wildlife Sanctuary
Sibelyx079IceSilk MakerHigh Quality Cloth, Ice OrganUnthawable Lake, Pristine Snow Field, Land of Absolute Zero
Elphidran080DragonAmicable Holy DragonHigh Quality Pal OilNo.1 Wildlife Sanctuary
Elphidran Aqua080bDragon, WaterAmicable Water DragonHigh Quality Pal OilMust breed an Elphidran and Surfent together
Kelpsea081WaterAqua SpoutRaw Kelpsea, Pal FluidsAzurobe Hill, Ravine Entrance
Kelpsea Ignis081bFireLava SpoutRaw Kelpsea, Flame OrganEternal Pyre Tower Entrance, Mount Obsidian Midpoint, Ruined Fortress City
Azurobe082Water, DragonWaterwing DanceCloth, Pal FluidsBridge of the Twin Knights, No.1 Wildlife Sanctuary
Cryolinx083IceDragon HunterIce OrganUnthawable Lake, Pristine Snow Field, Land of Absolute Zero
Blazehowl084FireHellflame LionFlame OrganBeach of Everlasting Summer, Eternal Pyre Tower Entrance, Ruined Fortress City
Blazehowl Noct084bFire, DarkDarkflame LionFlame OrganBeach of Everlasting Summer, Eternal Pyre Tower Entrance, Ruined Fortress City
Relaxaurus085Dragon, WaterHungry MissileHigh Quality Pal Oil, Ruby, Pal FluidsAscetic Falls
Relaxaurus Lux085bDragon, ElectricMissile PartyHigh Quality Pal Oil, Electric Organ, SapphireSealed Realm of the Thunder Dragon
Broncherry086GrassOveraffectionateBroncherry Meat, Tomato SeedsDeep Bamboo Thicket, Sealed Realm of the Thunder Dragon, Sealed Realm of the Swordmaster
Broncherry Aqua086bGrass, WaterOveraffectionateBroncherry Meat, Lettuce SeedsAscetic Falls
Petallia087GrassBlessing of the Flower SpiritBeautiful FlowerNo.1 Wildlife Sanctuary
Reptyro088Fire, GroundOre-Loving BeastFlame OrganRuined Fortress City, Mount Obsidian Midpoint, Eternal Pyre Tower Entrance
Reptyro Cryst088bIce, GroundIce-Loving BeastIce OrganSacred Mountain Cavern (Land of Absolute Zero)
Kingpaca089NeutralKing of MusclesWoolNo.2 Wildlife Sanctuary
Kingpaca Cryst089bIceKing of MusclesWool, Ice OrganLand of Absolute Zero
Mammorest090GrassGaia CrusherHigh Quality Pal Oil, Leather, Mammorest MeatPlateau of Beginnings, Desolate Church, Bridge of the Twin Knights
Mammorest Cryst090bIceIce CrusherHigh Quality Pal Oil, Leather, Mammorest MeatUnthawable Lake, Pristine Snow Field, Land of Absolute Zero
Wumpo091IceGuardian of the Snowy MountainIce Organ, Beautiful FlowerUnthawable Lake, Land of Absolute Zero
Wumpo Botan091bGrassGuardian of the Grassy FieldsLettuce Seeds, Tomato Seeds, Beautiful FlowerNo.2 Wildlife Sanctuary
Warsect092Ground, GrassHard ArmorHoneyNo.2 Wildlife Sanctuary
Fenglope093NeutralWind and CloudsLeather, HornAscetic Falls, Mount Obsidian Anubis Statue
Felbat094DarkLife StealCloth, Small Pal SoulMarsh Island Church Ruins, Most dungeons underground
Quivern095DragonSky Dragon’s AffectionHigh Quality Pal OilNo.2 Wildlife Sanctuary, Sealed Realm of the Winged Tyrant
Blazamut096FireMagma KaiserCoal, Flame OrganNorth of the Ancient Civilization Ruins, No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary
Helzephyr097DarkWings of DeathVenom Gland, Medium Pal SoulMount Flopie Summit, Free Pal Alliance Tower Entrance, Snowy Mountain Fork
Astegon098Dragon, DarkBlack AnkylosaurPal Metal Ingot, Pure QuartzNo.3 Wildlife Sanctuary
Menasting099Dark, GroundSteel ScorpionCoal, Venom GlandNo.2 Wildlife Sanctuary
Anubis100GroundGuardian of the DesertBone, Large Pal Soul, Innovative Technical ManualNortheast of Sealed Realm of the Winged Tyrant
Jormuntide101Dragon, WaterStormbringer Sea DragonPal FluidsSouth of Investigator’s Fork
Jormuntide Ignis101bDragon, FireStormbringer Lava DragonHigh Quality Pal Oil, Flame OrganNo.2 Wildlife Sanctuary
Suzaku102FireWings of FlameFlame OrganPIDF Tower Entrance, Duneshelter, Sand Dunes Entrance
Suzaku Aqua102bWaterWings of WaterPal FluidsMust breed a Suzaku and a Water Pal together
Grizzbolt103ElectricYellow TankElectric Organ, LeatherNo.1 Wildlife Sanctuary
Lyleen104GrassHarvest GoddessLow Grade Medical Supplies, Beautiful Flower, Innovative Technical ManualNo.3 Wildlife Sanctuary
Lyleen Noct104bDarkHarvest GoddessLow Grade Medical Supplies, Beautiful Flower, Innovative Technical ManualMineshaft entrance, South of the Unthawable Lake
Faleris105FireScorching PredatorFlame OrganNo. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary
Orserk106Dragon, ElectricFerocious Thunder DragonElectric OrganNo.3 Wildlife Sanctuary
Shadowbeak107DarkModified DNAPal Metal Ingot, Carbon Fiber, Innovative Technical ManualNo.3 Wildlife Sanctuary
Paladius108NeutralHoly Winged KnightPal Metal Ingot, DiamondNorth of the Deep Sand Dunes
Necromus109DarkDark Knight of the AbyssPal Metal Ingot, Large Pal SoulNorth of the Deep Sand Dunes
Frostallion110IceIce SteedIce Organ, DiamondLand of Absolute Zero
Frostallion Noct110bDarkBlack SteedPure Quarts, Large Pal SoulMust breed a Frostallion and a Helzephyr together
Jetragon111DragonAerial MissilePure Quartz, Polymer, Carbon Fiber, DiamondVolcanic Cavern

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