Palworld Pal Spheres And Capture Rates

The pal’s sphere captures something that might not be explained in the game. It does vary depending on various factors, like the rarity of the pal (type of pal sphere) and the health of the pal. I recommend you understand the higher-grade pals that have a better chance of capturing pals.

Palworld, which is one of the most popular games in recent times, centers around the Pal. There are six different Pal Spheres, each able to catch a higher rank of Pal. Today in this article, we will be sharing a guide on the list of all Palworld’s Pal Spheres that successfully capture Pals using a Pal Sphere.

List of Pal Spheres and Their Capture Rate

There are six different spheres, which include the Standard Pal Sphere, Ultra Sphere, Giga Sphere, Hyper Sphere, and Legendary Sphere. Each is increasingly effective at capturing points, but it doesn’t provide an exact catch rate. Although the quality of the sphere does influence the ODs.

Before proceeding, I would like to highlight that Standard Pal Sphere Levels 1–9 are ideal for low-level pals for a neutral multiplier. While pals level up, they need a stronger sphere to maintain the neutral multiplier.

Technology PointSphereLevelColumn 5Crafting Materials
2Standard Pal SphereLevels 1-9Primitive Workbench, Sphere Workbench, Sphere Assembly Line, Sphere Assembly Line II1x Paldium Fragment, 3x Wood, 3x Stone
14Mega SphereLevels 10-19Sphere Workbench, Sphere Assembly Line, Sphere Assembly Line II1x Paldium Fragment, 1x Ingot, 5x Wood, 5x Stone
20Giga SphereLevels 20-29Sphere Workbench, Sphere Assembly Line, Sphere Assembly Line II2x Paldium Fragment, 2x Ingot, 7x Wood, 7x Stone
27Hyper SphereLevels 30-39Sphere Assembly Line, Sphere Assembly Line II3x Paldium Fragment, 3x Ingot, 10x Wood, 2x Cement
35Ultra SphereLevels 40-49Sphere Assembly Line, Sphere Assembly Line II5x Paldium Fragment, 5x Refined Ingot, 2x Carbon Fiber, 3x Cement
44Legendary SphereLevel 50Sphere Assembly Line II10x Paldium Fragment, 5x Pal Metal Ingot, 3x Carbon Fiber, 5x Cement

The type of pals Sphere uses about the level of the pal when you attempt to catch the pals corresponds to the catch rate. Using the appropriate pal’s level for a positive multiplier will increase the chance of success in Pals. Therefore, it adds another layer of strategy to the game, which you need to consider.

I always recommend players prioritize the appropriate sphere tier for the pal’s level and always weaken by hitting to lower HP for having a higher capture rate. Below, we have shared Palworld’s capture mechanics that align with the Sphere tier, thanks to Reddit user “Nykona.”

  • The Matching Sphere Tier: This offers a neutral catch rate (around 1x).
  • Undersize Spheres: A low-tier sphere that recommends a negative catch rate multiplier that is less than 1x, making the capture of these pals more difficult.
  • Oversized Spheres: The higher-tier spheres have a slightly positive catch rate (multiplier greater than 1x), but these spheres aren’t efficient because they are rare.

Furthermore, the weakening of the pals before passing through the sphere increases the chance of capturing the pals. Not to mention, Hitting the Pals from behind the sphere grants a small capture rate increase, and upgrading the capture power at Statues of Power with Lifmunk Effigies further improves the overall capture success.

To effectively use the Pal Spheres, the Sphere Tier always prioritizes using the lowest-tier sphere that successfully captures a pal. The higher the tier sphere, the more valuable, and the Pal Health significantly increases your capture chance, which aims for 10% of the HP for an optimal capture rate. Although Pal Sphere grants a small capture rate increase.

If you want to use the PalSphere, unlock it by pressing the menu, then navigate to the Technology Tab, where you can select the PalSphere, and press A to unlock it to confirm your selection. Next, you can begin crafting the Pal Sphere, which gathers crafting materials like wood, stone, and palladium fragments. Do use the Pal Sphere by pressing Y and hit it several times by pressing RT.

The basic idea is that it weakens the pal but does not kill it. If you hit the lower health bar, stop hitting the pal, then press RB to switch to the pal sphere. You have to remember that the best way to increase the capture rate in the game is to use the high-grade pal sphere to catch, and if you failed to catch the pal with the low-grade pal spell, then do consider switching to the high-grade pal sphere for a better chance of catching the pal.

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