Best Breeding Combinations in Palworld

If you want to assemble an elite team of powerful Pals in Palworld, breeding is the way to go. Breeding allows you to create Pals that would be extremely difficult or even impossible to capture in the wild until very late in the game. With the right breeding combinations, you can unlock superior Pals much earlier and customize their stats and abilities.

However, breeding in Palworld isn’t as simple as just throwing any two Pals together. There’s some important mechanics you need to understand first in order to get the exact Pal you want from breeding. In this guide, I’ll break down how breeding works, followed by the top breeding combinations to create the strongest Pals.

How Breeding Works in Palworld

Before you can start breeding, you’ll need to build the Breeding Station at one of your bases. This is unlocked in the Technology menu once you reach level 19. You’ll also need plenty of open space to construct the fairly large Breeding Station.

With the Breeding Station built, you make a special food item called a “Cake” using these ingredients at your Cooking Pot:

  • 2 Honey
  • 5 Flour
  • 7 Milk
  • 8 Red Berries
  • 8 Eggs

Place the finished Cake in the storage chest attached to the Breeding Station. Now you can assign two Pals as “parents” by individually catching them with the “Lift” command and dropping them inside the Breeding Station pen. One Pal must be male, the other female.

The two parent Pals will then mate, indicated by a progress bar filling up on the Breeding Station. Eventually, this will produce an egg that can be placed in an Incubator. Once incubated, the egg hatches into a new level 1 Pal based on the parents you chose.

Understanding Breeding Numbers

But how exactly is the new Pal’s species determined by the parent Pals? This is dictated by an invisible “Breeding Number” value assigned to each Pal species.

When you breed two Pals, their Breeding Numbers are averaged together and rounded down to the nearest whole number. This resulting number corresponds to the Breeding Number of the Pal that will hatch from the egg.

For example, if you bred a Lamball (Breeding Number 1470) with a Chikipi (1500), their average of 1485 would round down to 1480 – the Breeding Number of the Mau Pal.

There are some exceptions where certain Pal pairings will always produce the same offspring regardless of the math, known as “Fusion Combos.” But for the most part, the rounded Breeding Number average determines the species.

With that basic understanding out of the way, let’s look at some of the most powerful breeding combinations to create elite Pals.

Top Palworld Breeding Combinations

  1. Rooby + Penking = Kitsun
  • Kitsun is an extremely strong Fire-type Pal that is useful for some advanced breeding later
  • Both Rooby and Penking can be found very early in the game
  1. Vanwyrm + Foxcicle = Vanwyrm Cryst
  • Vanwyrm Cryst is a terrific dual Ice/Flying type that also serves as a flying mount
  • It’s very valuable early due to the lack of other accessible Ice-types
  • Vanwyrm and Foxcicle are both available reasonably early
  1. Mossanda + Rayhound = Grizzbolt
  • Grizzbolt is considered one of the best overall Electric-types in Palworld
  • You’ll need to hatch Rayhound from an Electric Egg
  • Then wait until around level 20 to catch a Mossanda
  1. Incineram + Maraith = Incineram Noct
  • Takes the already powerful Incineram and adds the Dark-type
  • Incineram Noct is an extremely strong Pal, especially in the mid-game
  1. Grizzbolt + Relaxaurus = Orserk
  • Orserk is another top-tier Electric-type Pal
  • Breed it once you hit around level 20 and catch a Relaxaurus
  • Use the Grizzbolt you previously bred
  1. Lyleen + Menasting = Lyleen Noct
  • A very powerful late-game Pal with a wide move pool
  • Lyleen Noct has fantastic coverage and is a big offensive threat
  • Requires waiting until post-game to obtain Menasting
  1. Frostallion + Helzephyr = Frostallion Noct
  • The Noct version of the already strong Frostallion Pal
  • Another elite Pal that can’t be obtained until very late/post-game
  • But absolutely worth having in your party
  1. Kitsun + Astegon = Shadowbeak
  • Shadowbeak is considered the final boss Pal of Palworld
  • First encountered at Syndicate Towers, but you can breed your own
  • Use the Kitsun from early breeding combined with caught Astegon
  1. Relaxaurus + Sparkit = Relaxaurus Lux
  • Creates the powerful Lux variant of the Relaxaurus electric-type
  • Sparkit is available pretty early, but you’ll need to wait for Relaxaurus
  • Relaxaurus Lux has boosted stats and abilities
  1. Mau + Pengullet = Mau Cryst
  • Breeds the crystalized Ice-type version of the common Mau Pal
  • A nice early source of an Ice Pal to supplement your team
  • Both Mau and Pengullet can be obtained very early
  1. Eikthyrdeer + Hangyu = Eikthyrdeer Terra
  • Combines Eikthyrdeer with Hangyu to create the Terra version
  • Terra types are a dual Ground/Rock type
  • Gives Eikthyrdeer extra bulk and coverage
  1. Elphidran + Surfent = Elphidran Aqua
  • Breeds the Water/Flying Aqua variant of Elphidran
  • Elphidran Aqua gains useful Water typing and STAB Water moves
  • A great choice for your Water-type Pal
  1. Pyrin + Katress = Pyrin Noct
  • Creates Pyrin Noct by combining Pyrin with the Noct-type Katress
  • Pyrin Noct is a very bulky Pal with the Ghost/Dark dual typing
  • Amazing defensively and with powerful Ghost/Dark moves
  1. Mammorest + Wumpo = Mammorest Cryst
  • Adds the Ice-type to Mammorest by breeding with Wumpo
  • Mammorest Cryst is a bulky Ice/Ground type
  • Resists Water while hitting hard with powerful Ice moves
  1. Mossanda + Grizzbolt = Mossanda Lux
  • Breeds the Light version of the Grass/Electric Mossanda
  • Lux is a dual Electric/Fighting type combination
  • Mossanda Lux has boosted stats and useful Fighting moves
  1. Dinossom + Rayhound = Dinossom Lux
  • Creates the Lux version of the Rock/Ground Dinossom
  • Lux makes it an Electric/Ground type instead
  • Retains Ground moves while adding powerful Electric offense
  1. Jolthog + Pengullet = Jolthog Cryst
  • Breeds the Ice/Electric Cryst version of Jolthog
  • Jolthog Cryst is extremely bulky with useful Ice and Electric moves
  • A great pivot Pal to switch into
  1. Kingpaca + Reindrix = Kingpaca Cryst
  • Turns the Normal/Fighting Kingpaca into an Ice/Fighting type
  • Kingpaca Cryst retains powerful Fighting moves
  • But also gets access to Ice STAB moves and Ice typing benefits
  1. Leezpunk + Flambelle = Leezpunk Ignis
  • Combines the Fire-types Leezpunk and Flambelle
  • To create the Ignis dual Fire/Dark type Leezpunk Ignis
  • Hits extremely hard with Fire and Dark coverage
  1. Blazehowl + Felbat = Blazehowl Noct
  • Breeds the Ghost/Fire type Noct variant of Blazehowl
  • Blazehowl Noct has a unique dual typing
  • And synergistic Ghost and Fire offensive moves

But there’s still more to maximize your breeding strategy…

Passing On Optimal Stats and Skills

Beyond just creating a powerful species, breeding also allows you to pass down desired stats and passive skills from the parent Pals.

For stats like HP, Attack, Defense and Speed, the child Pal will inherit an average value between the two parents. So if you breed two Pals with maxed out Attack stats, their offspring will also have a high Attack stat right out of the gate.

The same goes for passive skills. Any skills possessed by either parent have a chance to get passed down to the child Pal. This lets you customize your Pal with all sorts of useful passive bonuses, like increased experience gain, resistance to status effects, and more.

On top of that, there’s a rare chance for Pals to hatch with special “golden” passive skills with improved effects compared to the basic version. These golden skills are highly coveted.

Pal breeding also plays a big role in maximizing your workers’ efficiency and output. Each Pal has an innate “Work Suitability” score for various job types like Mining, Farming, Construction and so on. Breeding two Pals with high Work Suitability in a particular field increases the odds of creating an offspring that excels in that role.

So with a bit of strategy and planning your breeding pairs, you can essentially craft your dream team of Pals – each tailored with ideal stats, skills, and specializations for any situation.

How to Get Started With Breeding

The first step is simply to progress through the early and mid game, catching as many different Pal species as you can find. Having this diverse pool of Pals available lets you experiment with all sorts of powerful breeding combinations.

From there, start planning out which specific Pals you want to create and the parents needed to breed them. Pay close attention to each Pal’s hidden Breeding Number value to ensure you get the desired offspring.

Don’t forget to also factor in the stats, skills and Work Suitability you want to pass down to your bred Pals. Proper planning here lets you create Pal masters in any area – whether it’s battling, crafting, farming or anything else.

With some upfront time investment into planning and the breeding mechanics, you’ll be abundantly rewarded with an unstoppable team loaded with elite Pals tailored to your exact specifications. The Pal possibilities are endless!

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