Palworld April 14 Patch Notes

Palworld, which released the update earlier this month, had a lot of bugs, issues, and glitches. Players were frustrated about these glitches as they were unable to play the game, including issues like the egg incubator not working, multiplayer save files not loading, and such.

PocketPair, the developer, has officially addressed these issues, and on April 14, Studio released the patch update v0.2.2.0. Today in this article, we will be sharing everything that players need to know about the Palworld April 14, 2024 Update. Without further ado, let’s take a closer look at this.

Pal Damage Output

This was one of the major fixes where it was causing every pal in the game to deal half damage. This significantly improves combat balance and makes boss fights more challenging. This was a surprising revelation for many Palworld players who were unaware of this problem.

Now pals can deal full damage with the attacks; in addition, there are a few adjustments that have the potential to be fixed, which could be needed depending on how the problem persists. Furthermore, it helps anyone who is having trouble taking on raids or other bosses. By improving the combat balance for raids and boss fights, which may have felt more difficult than intended.

Improved hit detection

Another main adjustment made by PocketPair was correcting hit detection problems for the latter parts of the “Nightmare Ray” and “Nightmare Bloom” attacks from Bellanoir and Bellanoir Libero.

Other improvements

The overall brings quality of life improvements to the game, fixing minor bugs to improve the game’s experience. Although the patch doesn’t specify many of the fixes, it contributes to a smoother and more stable version of the game. It now also reduces jitter, where the sleeping pals on pal beds no longer jitter as much. With the ESC key, you can now close the character editing screen of the antique dresser.

Also, it impacts raids; with these fixes, it’s easier for everyone. Apart from these, patch updates also bring minor bug fixes and improvements to the game. In addition to this, the patch update goes live on April 15s for streaming and is soon to be available for Xbox players. The game is still in early development, which is why there are a lot of missing things but also a lot of bugs and glitches. Players have reported numerous bugs from time to time, which the studio has acknowledged and fixed. Bugs prevent players from experiencing the game.

There would be more bugs that may not have been shared. We assume that with the Xbox Update, we will get to know more about this. Overall, now that the game is more stable than the previous update, there may be still issues with this build, which we will get to know in a few days as players update and play the game.

If you find any issue, don’t forget to report it so developers can work on it to fix it in a future patch note. This isn’t a major update to the game; Studio has agreed to fix the major bugs and fixes with this latest update. The update also includes various other minor bug fixes that aren’t explicitly mentioned in the patch notes. These fixes improve the overall gaming experience by addressing stability and functionality issues.

Not to mention, the earlier update of the game did add new things like Raid Boss, Ability Glass, and such. Developers are actively working on improving the game and addressing issues ahead of a stable update. There will be more additional fixes with the future update, and there will be many more new items, pals, buildings, and such, as teased by the studio in their RoadMap 2024 update. 

Developers are actively working on the game to make the game experience more stable. Developers do outsourcing work while also engaging with the players on social media and Discord. So far, this commitment has provided a great gaming experience for all players.

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