List Of The Worst Passive Pals to Avoid In Palworld 

Palworld is one of the most popular open-world survival games in recent times. In the game, the player is going to encounter many pals with unique passive skills. The game revolves around the pals, either adding these pals to your collection, using them in combat, killing to get the resources or many other uses of these pals.

However, passive skills come quite in handy with accomplishing man’s tasks, but it’s not like every passive skill is meant to give players a significant advantage. There are some debuffs to the Passive Skills that players need to take into consideration. Today in this article, I Will be sharing a guide on what are some of the Worst pals with Passive Skill that players should avoid in Palworld. Without further ado, let’s take a closer look at this.

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What is the Passive Skill of Pals?

The passive skills of these pals are a unique skill set that comes in handy during combat and also affects their hunger level. Players can catch these pals to get unique abilities to use in the game. These unique passive skills on each pal range from 0 to 4 passive skills in active form.

Also, the skills are ranked from 3 down to -3. Hence, the passive skills of the pals include the negative passive skills in the pals, such as the coward or bottomless spoon, which indeed prevent combat or food-related issues.

So if you get the pals with the passive skill that debuffs instead of giving you an advantage, then those are the pals, which I would suggest every pal avoid until they have accomplished any specific task or thing. Below, I have listed several pals that you should avoid.

Mercy Hit

These are Tier-1 pals, which will only reduce the target’s health below 1, which prevents players from finishing off an opponent. Since it can’t finish, the opponent players need to use another pal to finish off the enemy. If you still want to use Mercy, then consider crafting the Ring of Mercy to use during combat.


Another Tier-1 pal, which is among the few pals with the natural passive skill, significantly drops the 10% faster satisfaction, which means it will make the pals more hungry, and players need to continue feeding these pals quite regularly. In addition to this, when your pals get hungry, attack and defense get dropped by 20%, which means it is going to significantly limit the pals’ ability in combat.


Many players find this pal quite early in the game. This pal is said to be natural to Cattiva. It’s a Tier-1 pal that players do encounter. Once players capture these pals, they are going to experience the purpose of working instead of combating. Furthermore, these pals are also randomly affected by this skill, but I find this quite viable against powerful pals.

Bottomless Stomatch

This skill has a Tier-2 rating, which drops 15% satisfaction, which means it has a higher effect, making it difficult to feed your pals. These pals are always hungry frequently. Once you capture this, you constantly need to look for food, which I believe is a waste of time, but when combined with the Glutton Passive Skill, this skill may be useless as it would become borderline unusable.


This skill ranks Tier-3, having -20% to attacks. I find this pal quite effective, but the 20% Debuff corresponding to the attacking stats neutralizes the pals in the late game and also severely damages them in the early mid-game. 20% is a big loss that can be made up elsewhere. Once debugged, it can stack but also be affected by positive passive skills.


There are some pals whose primary advantage is attacking, while others are also defending, and some are designed for work. However, Pals with the Slacker Passive Skills make the Maks useful outside of combat. The -30% attacks essentially make this palette with the Slacker passive skills useless because the skills are focused on maximizing working power and efficiency.


This pal is the worst of all the pals. This is a Tier-3 Passive Skill, which is said to have more significance to the fundamental purpose of the Pals compared to others. However, these pals are too complicated to use, making them more difficult to use in the open world and combat. By reducing the capabilities by 20%, we can make any person more suspectable of a threat than any other.

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