How To Make Cake in Palworld?

How To Make Cake in Palworld?

Want to know How To Make Cake in Palworld? You are in the right place. If you’re serious about breeding new Pal companions in the world of Palworld, you’ll need to master the art of cake baking. While it may sound like a strange requirement, baking a cake is the key to encouraging your Pals to…ahem…’get friendly’ and produce offspring. Don’t worry, you won’t need to enroll in pastry school for this. With the right resources and a few simple steps, any Palworld player can become a cake baking pro. Let’s dive into the delicious details.

Why You Need Cake in Palworld

Before we get to the recipe, it’s important to understand why cake is so vital in this wild world of monster pets. The short answer? Baby Pals only happen when a cake is involved.

You see, Palworld has a unique breeding system that requires placing a freshly baked cake near your Compatible Pals in a ‘Breeding Farm.’ The aroma and likely sugar high from the cake…inspires…your Pals to mate, resulting in a new Pal egg for you to hatch.

So if you want to expand your Pal family tree, stockpiling a few cakes is an absolute must. With the proper baking skills under your belt, you’ll be awash in new eggs in no time.

How To Make Cake in Palworld?

Step 1: Unlock the Cooking Pot

Before you can whip up a cake worthy of your Pals, you’ll need to build the essential cooking station – the humble Cooking Pot. While not exactly the bakeware you’d find in a professional kitchen, it gets the job done.

  1. Play through the game until you reach Level 17. At this point, the Cooking Pot will become available in the Technology Tree.
  2. Spend 2 Technology Points to unlock the Cooking Pot blueprint. Gather the required construction materials:
    • 20 Wood (chop trees or harvest from a Wood Farm)
    • 15 Ingots (mine rocks/ore veins or produce at an Ore Farm)
    • 3 Flame Organs (capture a Flambelle Pal and assign it to your Ranch)
  3. With materials in hand, open the Construction Menu and find the Cooking Pot blueprint.
  4. Choose a flat, open space near your base and place the Cooking Pot blueprint there.
  5. Select a Pal with the “Kindling” work trait from your squad.
  6. This Pal will be able to operate the Cooking Pot. Put your Kindling Pal to work constructing the Cooking Pot.
  7. This may take some time to complete.

Step 2: Gather Your Ingredients

Now for the fun part – collecting all the fresh ingredients needed to whip up a Palworld-quality cake. Here’s the full list of items and quantities:

  • 5 Flour
  • 8 Red Berries
  • 7 Milk
  • 8 Eggs
  • 2 Honey

Don’t be intimidated by that lineup of ingredients. With a little work, you can easily stockpile all of those tasty components. Let’s break it down:


  1. Unlock the Wheat Plantation and Mill in the Technology Tree (both require Level 15).
  2. Build at least 1 Wheat Plantation using 3 Wheat Seeds, 35 Wood, and 35 Stone.
  3. Construct a Mill nearby using 50 Wood and 40 Stone.
  4. Assign a Pal with Planting/Farming/Watering traits to manage the Wheat growth.
  5. Once mature, havest the Wheat crop.
  6. Use the Mill to grind 3 Wheat into 1 bag of Flour. You’ll need 15 Wheat total for the 5 Flour required.

Red Berries:

  1. Red Berry bushes can be found naturally growing across the world.
  2. To cultivate more easily, build a Berry Plantation using 3 Berry Seeds, 20 Wood, and 20 Stone (unlocked at Level 5).


  1. Head west from the starting area to find cow-like Mozzarina Pals. Defeat or capture them for Milk.
  2. Alternatively, build a Ranch using 50 Wood, 20 Stone, and 30 Fiber (unlocked at Level 5).
  3. Capture a Mozzarina and assign it to the Ranch. It will continuously produce Milk over time.


  1. Find and defeat/capture Chikipi bird Pals across the world to obtain Eggs.
  2. Much easier – build a Ranch and assign a Chikipi to it. The Ranch Chikipi will lay Eggs regularly.


  1. Locate and defeat/capture Beegardes, Cinnamoths, Elizabees or Warsects to get Honey.
  2. Assign one of those bee/moth Pals to a Ranch and it will generate Honey continuously.

With your ingredients in hand (or ranch), you’re ready for the next step – the actual baking process.

Step 3: Bake That Cake!

With the Cooking Pot built and all 5 ingredients obtained, approach the Cooking Pot. Open the Cooking Pot menu and find the Cake recipe. Add the required amounts of each ingredient from your inventory:

  • 5 Flour
  • 8 Red Berries
  • 7 Milk
  • 8 Eggs
  • 2 Honey

Select your Kindling Pal to actually operate the Cooking Pot. Choose the “Bake Cake” option to start the cooking process. The baking process takes quite a while in real-time, so feel free to go adventure while it bakes. Once complete, the fresh Cake will appear in your inventory! Be careful not to drop or smash it.

Step 4: Get Breeding

The cake is ready, your Compatible Pals are in place – it’s time to initiate the breeding sequence! Head over to your Breeding Farm (a Level 19 Technology unlock), and access the storage box on the right side.

From your inventory, transfer that piping hot cake into the storage box. The irresistible aroma will soon have your Pals inadequate breeding mood, if you catch my drift.

After an…intimate…period of time, you’ll receive a fresh new Pal egg to incubate! One cake equals one breeding session, so repeat the process to expand your Pal party as desired.

Pro Cake Baking Tips

Still struggling with your cake mastery? Here are a few pro tips to increase your baking skills:

  • Build an Ore Farm: A reliable way to produce the Ingots needed for your Cooking Pot and other crafting projects.
  • Visit the Wandering Merchant: This traveling vendor sells handy supplies like Milk and Eggs to save you some hunting time.
  • Use Sanity Boosts: Baking and eating cakes provides a Sanity boost to your Pals, helping offset the negative impacts of overworking them.
  • Make It a Production Line: Once you have all the facilities like Ranches and Mills built, you can routinely pump out batches of cakes for mass Pal breeding.

A Baking Adventure Awaits

While certainly an…unconventional…requirement, mastering the art of cake baking is essential for truly prospering in the world of Palworld. With the right facilities, resources, and this simple recipe, you’ll be breeding new generations of Pals in no time.

So tie on your apron, fire up that Cooking Pot, and grab those eggs and berries! The delicious journey of birthing new Pal companions through baked goods awaits. Bon appétit!

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