How To Create A Palworld Dedicated Server 

Palworld is one of the most popular survival games despite the game being in early beta. In the game, you can farm, craft, and hunt, alongside exploring the map where you can find different pals to catch but also build bases, defeat enemies, and have speed travel. However the game does offer multiplayers, and to make things more personalized many prefer to deploy a custom dedicated server for their palworld.

There are many settings that you can change to personalize the game more for your experience, although you do need to consider having a good server that can handle player count for a smooth experience altogether. With the private dedicated server, you can configure different settings, on your server you can install mods and can also reduce network latency.

Today in this article, we will be sharing an in-depth guide on how you can create a PPalworl dedicated server. For this we will begin with setting up a dedicated server in the Palworld via Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting, without further ado, let’s take a closer look at this.

How to Create a Dedicated Palworld Server

Setup a dedicated Palworld server is straightforward,


It’s always a good choice to consider a VPS which is said to be a good choice for hosting the Palworld. VPS gives you better control over how you want to optimize the server. Before choosing the VPS, you should try to meet the basic System requirements for the game itself.

  • OS: Linux or Windows 
  • Processor: Quad-core 
  • RAM: 8GB (depending on player count you do need to expand the RAM, for a player base of 32 consider 16GB of RAM for optimal performance.) 
  • Storage: 40GB of RAM. 

We do recommend comparing the PRicing of the VPS, and if you are a beginner do check how well they support it, also for the Game Panel they offer to better manage your dedicated server.

How to create a dedicated Server for Palworld

After you choose what VPS you want to go with, you are now ready to install a Palworld Dedicated server. I have been using the Vultr to set up, so the options might be different for an initial setup but installing and managing for similar.

  • Starting with choosing the PLan for your dedicated server, you can choose the Gaming-focusing server which is highly optimized for low-latency and better graphical processing. 
  • DO ensure the server is located near to your most-player count, after that open the server to check the status of the server. 
  • Once it finishes deploying, RUnning Status you can now see the IP address, Username, and Password for your Server. 
  • Open PUtty for establishing the connection via SSH, do use the SErver IP, Username, and password. 
  • No, you can install the steamCMD, and dependencies by the following command line.
    • sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade  
  • Next, you have to download the steamCMD dependencies and begin with installing the Lib32gcc runtime library and SOftware-properties-common package. 
  • sudo apt install -y lib32gcc-s1
    • sudo apt install software-properties-common    
  • After this add the multiverse app repository and then enable the 32-bit architecture support 
  • sudo add-apt-repository multiverse
    • sudo dpkg –add-architecture i386    
  • YOu are almost done, now update every repository. 
  • sudo apt update
    • sudo apt install steamcmd -y    
  • Finishing the steamCMD installation by installing the Linux Screen in order to keep the server running even in the background after the SSH session-ends.
    • sudo apt install screen  

We have deployed the necessary things which required to install the Palworld server files and then launch

  • download the necessary utilities and dependencies using sTeamCMD, 
  • steamcmd +login anonymous +app_update 2394010 validate +quit 
  • Now Navigate to the /Palserver directory with (cd ~/Steam/steamapps/common/PalServer)
    • If you encounter an error then don’t run the steamCMD in the home directory, to solve navigate to /PalServer using the Linux FInd COmmand (sudo find / -type d -name “PalServer”) 
  • After this, you do need to rerun the CD command with the correct patch like cd/common/PalServer. 

When you are done with downloading the Palworld files you have to launch the server.

  • TO launch the Palworld dedicated sErver tool execute using “./ ” which output server is running or maybe having error “.steam/sdk64/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory”
    • TO resolve any error do stop any process using Ctrl + C and execute the following commands. 
    • mkdir -p ~/.steam/sdk64/ 
    • steamcmd +login anonymous +app_update 1007 +quit 
    • cp ~/Steam/steamapps/common/Steamworks\\ SDK\\ Redist/linux64/ ~/.steam/sdk64/  
  • Now RE=run the startup script, which may show you a similar error during the first boot but your Palworld server said to be running confirmed with this “.steam/sdk64/ OK. (First tried local ‘’)” 

After finishing this, you have to use the Palworld dedicated server which will shut down, to keep the server running in Backgodun use the Linux Screen script.

  • To return to the home-directory use the cd command and open a new Terminal session to execute the “screen” 
  • After this navigate to the location and then execute the “cd ~/Steam/steamapps/common/PalServer” and then ”./ .” 
  • Now press the Ctrl + A + D detach from the screen session which allows it to run in the background and then reconnect using the command.
    • screen -r  

OKey, so you are now done with installing Palworld, the game now needs to have some startup scripts with additional arguments to run the Palworld dedicated server. Below we have shared the table for the default settings which has advanced users that you can install with the following commands, feel free to modify based on your preference.

-portUsed to change the dedicated server’s listening port
-playersYou can set the maximum number of players.
-useperfthreadsEnable the perf system to track multi-threaded event.
-NoAsyncLoadingThreadYou can disbale asynchronous loading threads
-UseMultithreadForDSUse the CPU’s multithreading to run dedicated server.
-EpicApp=PalServerSImply setup your VPS as community server

To configure the settings you need to make changes to the PalWorlSettings.ini files, You can navigate to the cd ~/Steam/steamapps/common/PalServer/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer. To open the PalWorldSettings.ini you can use the Nano Text-Editor.

Once you make changes you need to launch the Palworld From Steam Library and then choose to Join Multiplaer Game, and Then Connect using your VPS Public IP address with the default Port number. You can also invite your friends to join your server using the same IP address.

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