How To Check Pal Status And Cure Pal Depression In Palworld

Palworld is one of the most popular games that revolves around Pals. In the game, players need to keep their pals happy and take care of them. However, pals do become depressed if they are overloaded with work and their sanity level starts decreasing. The lower the sanity level, the more depressed it becomes. Today in this article, I will be sharing a guide on how players can check their pal status and cure their pal depression in the game.

Why Pals Get Depression in Palworld?

This occurs when your pals in the game lack sanity. It occurs because your pals overwork or lack the sanity to replenish buildings in the base. If your pals are depressed, then press 4 on PC and L3 on Xbox. To check the depressed status of your pals, you can find this in the upper-right corner. Pals can cure Pal’s depression with the help of the Medicine Workbench to craft high-grade medical supplies. If your pal doesn’t get cured, then swap it for some healthy pals in the wild. Also, pals who are upset and go to bed aren’t depressed but might have some low sanity.

Can I cure Pal’s depression in Palworld?

Some players think they can’t cure the depressed status of their pals; in addition, there are several ways to cure the pals’ depression in Palworld. If you keep your pals in the palbox, then it will keep the sanity level full. And some other ways include the use of medicine.

How to Prevent Depressed Pals in Palworld

To prevent your friends from being depressed, you have to ensure you continue feeding, take some breaks, and are comfortable. In addition, you can also build a hot tub on the base, which acts as a sort of recovery zone for your pals to go to when they are tired or low on sanity. Additionally, keep a variety of different foods at your base so your pal doesn’t go hungry, as starvation is a major factor affecting your pal’s health.

How to Cure Pal Depression in Palworld

There are several methods through which you can cure depression.

Move the depressed palettes to Palbox.

This is the first and most common way to cure pall depression. You can choose to move your depressed pals into your Palbox. After putting your pals in Palbox, you have to wait for 15 to 30 minutes. Indeed, this does take a lot of time, whether your pals are incapacitated or depressed. Pals from the Palbox then return with no illness once healing is done.

Craft and feed medicine to your pals.

As moving the depressed pals to Palbox takes time, crafting and feeding the medicine to your pals is faster.

  1. Start with building the medieval medicine workbench, for which you are required to be on Level 12 on the technology tree that unlocks the medieval medicine workbench. Players need to gather some important resources, which include 2 wood, 2 nails, and 10 palladium fragments.
  2. Now you can use the Medieval Medicine Workbench for crafting the high-grade medicinal supplies by using several resources that include 5 ingots, 5 horns, and 2 bones for crafting the medicine. To get these resources, you need to kill some pals to get horns and bones, for example, pals like the Eikthyrdeer or Reindrix, Rushoar, Gorirat, or Vixy.
  3. To make the process of crafting the medicine faster, you can then assign the jobs to pals who have medicine production skills.
  4. Once you have created the medicine, you can feed it to depressed pals directly from the pals. Open inventory, equip the pals in your party using the palbox, and then right-click on High-Grade Medical Supply, then choose the pals that you want to cure.

Feeding your Pals medicine is quite similar to the process of feeding your Pals food supplies. You can press the 4 on PC or L3 on Xbox to open the menu option. From there, select Feed. After that, you need to select food, which is the medicine from INVENORY. So this is how you can easily cure the Pal Depression in the game, but do remember to keep rotating your Pals’ shift for work to maintain the sanity of your Pals.

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