How To Catch A Black Marketeer In Palworld

We all know Palworld is a game filled with Pal traders existing in the neighbourhood. Genuinely, you never thought that your neighbour’s pal traders could commit fraud. But from recent user experience, it was found that there could be a chance that your neighbour’s Pal traders could be criminals as determined. Even in Palworld, there is a new roar of black markets, which is irrelevant and breaks the entire game’s ecosystem.

Palworld’s black marketers disrupt the game’s economy and ethical foundation in several ways. These ways are illegal methods to obtain rare items, injecting illegally obtained goods into the economy, numerous scams and frauds, negative community impact, and banning user accounts. For this, I will explain to you the varied skills needed to gather evidence and catch those black marketers. So, let’s start.

Where can I find black marketers and how do they behave?

Black marketers are hidden things in Palworld, and to get protected from them, the only way is to catch and report them. But as a new user, you cannot estimate who is a black marketer. For this, I tried and found two things you should look for. 

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One is black marketer behaviour, and the second is a popular hotspot for black marketers. So, let’s understand each of the things to stay protected from black marketers.

How to identify black marketers through behaviour

Well, there can be several behaviours, but as of now, there are a few common ones that people face these days. So, if you are aware of it, then for sure you can easily identify which Pal trader is a black marketer. So, these are a few common and noted behaviour styles.

  • Instantly low prices for rare items or Pal
  • Vague answers about item origins
  • Obtaining items through unauthorised means
  • Frequent trading in high-value items
  • You are encountering a chargeback after a trade.

What are the popular hotspots for black marketers?

Besides the behaviour, if you want more black marketers to be caught in one go, then this section will help you a lot. Here, I will explain to you the different Palworld hotspots or specific areas where usually black marketers trade illegally and have a high chance you can catch them.

  • Keep an eye on online forums dedicated to illegal Palworld activities.
  • Busy trade hubs with high player traffic
  • Some Palworld Discord servers are prepared for black market activity.
  • Public chat rooms where a few past black-marketing events happened.
  • Watch how players interact with each other and their trading patterns.
  • Compare their listed items to average market prices.

How to Gather Evidence Regarding Black Marketers

After knowing which one is a black marketer, the second important thing you should know is gathering evidence. Because unless you have evidence against them, you can’t report them and get protected from them. For this thing, I tried to figure out how you could gather evidence. Subsequently, I got some good options for gathering evidence. To ease your mind, below I am sharing varied ways to gather evidence about black marketers.

  • Take a screenshot of the screen recording to catch black marketers in it.
  • Look after your black box, where every trade leaves a digital footprint in your trading logs.
  • Take witness testimonies of people who encountered a black marketer.
  • Document the representations by the one who faced the black marketer.

How to Report a Black Marketer in Palworld

This could be a simple section of this article to understand. As most of the work has already been done, you must know where to get black marketers and how to gather evidence against them. Now this would be the last phase where you need to report them. But here you have choices, whether you want to do in-game repeating or report to the official community. So, these are straightforward steps for it.

  1. Simply find a black marketer.
  2. Collect evidence against it.
  3. Now open the reporting menu in Palworld.
  4. Choose cheating or inappropriate behaviour.
  5. Next, fill in the report details, like suspicious activity, and attach evidence.
  6. Click on Submit and wait for the investigation.
  7. That’s it; you are done.

Final Thoughts

To conclude, catching and reporting black marketers in Palworld is the ultimate achievement. This action lets you offer fair gameplay and never results in any future scams. For sure, after doing this, the entire game’s economy gets back to its default position. Being an in-game concern, every player needs to report such black marketers. It is for the benefit of all players. I encourage every player to do so and hope for a just gameplay experience.

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