How Do You Get Bushi In Palworld?

If you’re a Palworld fan looking to add the powerful fire-type Pal Bushi to your collection, you’ve come to the right place. In this ultimate guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about obtaining this katana-wielding warrior and unleashing its blazing fury on your enemies.

What Is Bushi?

Before we dive into how to get Bushi, let’s quickly go over what this Pal is all about. Bushi, also known as Pal #72, is a fire elemental Pal with a unique “Brandish Blade” partner skill. When activated, this skill allows Bushi to attack enemies with a potent laigiri, or sword strike.

While fire-type Pals aren’t necessarily the strongest, they remain a popular choice among players due to their offensive capabilities. Bushi, in particular, packs a serious punch and can be an invaluable addition to your team, especially when facing grass-type foes.

Where to Find Wild Bushi

Now, let’s get to the meat of the matter: where can you find wild Bushi in the vast world of Palworld? Fortunately, there are two main locations where you can encounter this fiery Pal:

The Volcanic Southeast Islands
Standard Bushi specimens commonly inhabit the volcanic Southeast Islands region. Head towards the sandy coves around coordinates (-117, -491) for routine gathering quests. However, be extremely cautious when exploring this area, as the high-level volcano jungles are teeming with hazardous lava and formidable adversaries.

The Southwest Beach
Alternatively, you can find a wild level 33-34 Bushi roaming the southwest beach on the map. This lone Bushi has a long patrol path, so be prepared to search the area thoroughly. Keep in mind that capturing this particular Bushi might not be the best option since you can obtain a higher-level version through a mini-boss encounter (more on that later).

How Do You Get Bushi In Palworld?

If you decide to pursue a wild Bushi, remember that as a fire-type Pal, it’s vulnerable to water-based attacks. Ensure your hunting party includes a few water-type Pals to exploit this weakness effectively. However, be cautious not to defeat Bushi accidentally, as water moves can amplify damage against fire types.

Once Bushi is weakened and kneels in exhaustion, quickly switch to high-ranked Pal Spheres and attempt to capture it. If you’re lucky, you’ll add this fierce Pal to your team.

The Easier Option: Hunting the Mini-Boss Bushi

While pursuing wild Bushi is an option, the more straightforward approach is to hunt down the mini-boss version. This Bushi is level 23 and can be found in a specific mini-boss location on the map.

Here’s how to tackle the mini-boss Bushi:

  1. Head to the mini-boss location on the map (check the image below).
  2. Prepare a powerful water-type Pal to exploit Bushi’s fire weakness.
  3. Take cover behind pillars to avoid Bushi’s ranged attacks and whittle down its health.
  4. Bring at least 3-5 Hyper Spheres to increase your chances of a successful capture.

Defeating and capturing the mini-boss Bushi will reward you with valuable loot, including 6 Ancient Civilization parts, 2 Bone, 6 Ingots, and 6 Precious Entrails. Additionally, Bushi’s level 3 Lumbering skill makes it an excellent addition to your base, eliminating the need to worry about wood resources.

Hatching a Bushi

If you prefer to hatch your Pals, there’s also the option of breeding a Bushi. While there are numerous Pal combinations that can yield a Bushi, one of the easier early-game options is breeding a Celaray with a Nitewing.

To explore all possible breeding combinations, refer to the fan-made spreadsheet, which comprehensively lists the Pal pairings that can produce a Bushi.

However, it’s important to note that unless you’re aiming to min-max your Pals’ stats, capturing the mini-boss version of Bushi is generally more straightforward than breeding one.

Bushi’s Role and Potential

While Bushi might not be the most powerful Pal in Palworld, it still has a lot to offer, especially as a base Pal. With its impressive fire-based attacks and the ability to gather resources efficiently, Bushi can be a valuable asset to your team.

However, it’s worth mentioning that Palworld could benefit from introducing more diverse Pal types, such as Fighting, Ghost, Psychic, or Steel, to avoid potential copyright issues and add depth to the game’s mechanics.


Whether you choose to pursue a wild Bushi, take on the mini-boss encounter, or breed one, obtaining this fiery Pal is a rewarding experience in Palworld. With its unique katana-wielding design and powerful fire attacks, Bushi can be a formidable ally in your quest for dominance.

Remember, when attempting to capture Bushi, bring water-type Pals to exploit its weakness and stock up on high-ranked Pal Spheres. And if you’re feeling adventurous, consider exploring the Southeast Islands region, where Bushi calls home – just be prepared for the treacherous volcanic landscape and its deadly inhabitants.

Good luck, Palworld explorers, and may the flames of Bushi burn brightly in your battles!

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