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Best Way To Level Up In Palworld

In the survival crafting game Palworld, becoming more powerful by leveling up is crucial. Higher levels unlock new abilities, stat boosts, and access to taming stronger Pals (the game’s unique tameable creature companions). But gaining enough experience points or “EXP” to level can feel slow, especially early on. That’s why knowing the fastest methods for earning EXP is so valuable.

This guide will break down the absolute best ways to level up quickly in Palworld. From adjusting settings to repeatable tactics, you’ll be climbing levels in no time by employing these simple yet effective leveling tricks.

Increase EXP Gain in World Settings

The fastest way to level up in Palworld doesn’t even involve playing! You can simply adjust a single setting to boost how much EXP you earn from all activities.

Here’s how to increase your EXP rate:

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  1. Go to the main menu and select your Palworld world/save file.
  2. Click “World Settings” at the bottom.
  3. Set the difficulty to “Custom” then choose “Custom Settings.”
  4. Find the “EXP Rate” option and crank the slider all the way up to 20x.

That’s it! Now every action that would normally give you 100 EXP instead gives you 2000 EXP. You’ll level up incredibly fast by just playing normally with this EXP multiplier enabled.

While adjusting the world settings may seem like cheating, it simply accelerates the leveling process so you can engage with more content faster. Totally optional, but an easy solution if leveling is too slow.

Battle Wild Pals for Quick EXP

The bread and butter method for gaining EXP is defeating the wild Pals you encounter while exploring Palworld’s environments. Every Pal you slay will give you a solid chunk of EXP.

Lower level Pals in the starter areas make for easy EXP fodder early on. But as you progress, start targeting tougher Boss-level Pals like the level 35 Mammorest. These bullet-sponge enemies drop exponentially more EXP when defeated.

Just be sure to bring your own high-level Pals and ranged weapons when battling bosses. Their hard-hitting attacks can make short work of ill-prepared players.

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Speaking of Pals…

Capture New Pal Species for Massive EXP Bonuses

While defeating Pals is good for EXP, catching and taming them is even better for leveling up quickly.

Whenever you capture a Pal species for the first time, you get a huge bonus of several thousand EXP as a reward. This stacks too – the first 10 of each Pal type you catch provides this extremely generous bonus.

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To maximize this EXP farming method:

  • Use better Pal Spheres to reliably capture higher level Pals
  • Explore new areas to find different uncaught species
  • Catch at least 10 of each Pal variety for that sweet bonus EXP
  • Sell/release extras after the bonus to keep space in your party

With so many diverse Pal varieties in the world, focusing on capturing new species is easily one of the fastest leveling methods available.

Complete Rayne Tower Missions and Fight Bosses

For a true test of survival skills, take on the challenging missions at the Rayne Tower locations. These multi-stage battles culminate in an epic boss fight against powerful human enemies and their elite Pals.

While extremely difficult, successfully completing a Rayne Tower mission will net you 10,000+ EXP in one go. It’s an absolutely massive payoff for the effort, enough to gain several levels depending on where you’re at.

Even if you can’t finish the whole mission yet, just defeating the first few waves of regular enemies still yields a nice EXP boost. Make it to the final boss and you’ll be swimming in experience point riches!

Leverage Your Home Base for Consistent EXP

You don’t have to go out adventuring to earn EXP either. Lots can be farmed by simply working on home base construction and upgrades.

Build New Structures and Items: Constructing various facilities like a Hot Spring, Berry Patch, forges, kilns, etc. all provide an EXP reward when completed.

Hire Worker Pals: Recruit mining and harvesting Pals, equip them with tools, and assign jobs. They’ll toil away passively earning crafting EXP for you over time that contributes to your level.

Do Pal Box Missions: Check the Pal Box mission terminal frequently. New quests are always being added to expand your base, each one granting EXP when completed.

Establishing a well-equipped, self-sustaining home base with industry and resources flowing consistently generates tons of EXP over time. Always be upgrading and expanding!

Leveling Up Is a Compounding Investment

Now you know all the best methods for leveling up fast in Palworld through EXP farming. But why put in the effort of rushing higher levels right away?

Because leveling up unlocks a steady stream of new benefits that make tackling tougher content far easier. This creates a self-perpetuating cycle of compounding advantages:

  • Higher levels let you tame stronger, more powerful Pals
  • Pals can equip better saddles and weapons at higher levels
  • More skill points become available to spend upgrading abilities
  • Key stats like Health and Stamina max caps increase
  • Access to higher tier crafting recipes and blueprint unlocks

The higher level you are, the better equipped you become to take on dangerous areas, daunting dungeons, legendary bosses and earn even more EXP.

So by putting in some early EXP grind work, leveling gets exponentially faster over time as you knock out goals and earn new passive bonuses. Consider it an upfront investment that pays escalating dividends!

Start Leveling Up Today

Leveling up characters and Pals is crucial for progressing through Palworld’s expansive wilderness sandbox. The methods outlined above make grinding EXP extremely fast and efficient for those looking to become all-powerful ASAP.

Make use of the adjustable EXP multiplier right off the bat if leveling seems too sluggish. Prioritize exploring and capturing new Pal species early on as well – that first-time bonus EXP is massive and goes a long way.

From there, work towards tackling Rayne Tower challenges, establish an industrial home base, and start farming tougher enemy types once strong enough. The more you level, the more advantages you’ll accumulate to make leveling even faster.

Stick with it, and you’ll have an unstoppable power-leveled force of Pals tamed from the wildest reaches of the Palworld, ready to crush anything in your path!


Dynamo: A devoted Palworld gamer spending countless hours exploring its virtual realms. Passionate about sharing tips and tricks, you can find his insights on

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