Best Stats To Upgrade In Palworld

If you are looking for the Palworld Best Stats to upgrade while you live up, it might be confusing as there are six different stats in the game, including HP, attack, defense, stamina, work speed, and weight. Like any other game, there are two things you need to acknowledge: the game level-up and the character level-up, which you do by upgrading your stat points. Today, in this article, we will focus on how you can upgrade to Palworld Hard Mode, which you should focus on, so without further ado, let us take a closer look at this.

What are the best Palworld stats to upgrade?

So, before going ahead, you must know about the six stats in Palworlds to know the advantage. You can decide what you want to proceed with based on your priorities.

  • HP: It is for increasing your health bar, which you must maintain for survival.
  • Defense: This does reduce the danger when you get hit by many, or maybe because of the falling or a variety of factors likely to have an environmental effect.
  • Stamina: This does affect your stamina; the more you have, the more things like running, swimming, dodging attacks, and climbing.
  • Weight: With this, you can carry more weight with you; the more you have, the less your speed will be affected.
  • Attack: As it sounds, it increases your potential to take damage, which makes it quite useful if you are all about guns and swords.
  • Work Speed: Work Speed: Speed while working, like building, crafting, cooking, or doing other work.

After understanding the Palworld Upgrade state, what are the best stats you can do in the early game? So, let us pay more attention to those stats.

Upgrade your HP first.

You can choose from many statuses, but if I had to choose, I would choose health. You might be asking, Why is this? Because when you go to capture the pals, especially the higher the pals, they are the more difficult to capture because they have high-damage attacks. Likewise, if you get eliminated from the game, then you will not be able to catch that pal.

For me, health is the most impactful because if you are going to capture a pal, and even if you get to hit it and you hit with the pal Sphere, sometimes they will shoot an attack at you and kill you, and then you die, so you have to start from the beginning. Yes, so the more health you have, the better and more resistance you will have towards the hits, at least once or twice. This will allow you to catch the Pals more easily. Tanking a hit for me is the most important thing, so get to 700 or 800 before you begin upgrading other stats in the game.

Not to mention, Palworld Hard mode has a very serious problem, even with one shot. This is why you should consider getting at least a few levels of health. Within the stat points, you can see that one point in health gives you an extra 100 health points, which, compared to Stamine disease, is almost non-existent, but work speed and weight could be another follow-up choice.

I recommend that, especially during the early health level, at least 2 to 3, you get a basic health increase, making you more resistant to attacks. We need to fight against pals; either your pal is fighting, or maybe you are trying to capture another pal, so you can at least get a few shots during those times.

Work speed and weight could be your next statistics upgrade.

Apart from health, it’s definitely the work of soil and weight, as these will help collect resources and transport them to your base. This does come in quite handy, even with things like crafting.

The work speed can be automated, and weight is good at managing things like dumping wood, stones, or other things into your chest, especially during early levels. It shouldn’t be an issue if you keep your resources near or at your base weight, or being lightweight does work. You can keep two crafting tools; I like to carry the stone axe or stone pickaxe to make a base or chest. Yeah, that feels similar to Minecraft, as I described.

Must Read:  Best Strongest Pals in Palworld

Why didn’t I include Attack and Stamina?

Most of the damage you would receive is from your pals, and as you level up, you will receive major damage and better weaponry. Talking about the attack state, it’s negligible because you only get +2, making it not much of an upgrade, so I prefer getting better pals and leveling up. At this moment, I don’t see Attack and Stamina being meaningful, so I put this on the low-priority list, maybe with leveling up and getting better weapons. Attacks may matter the most. However, it’s only worth a little of an upgrade in the early days.

Stamina can be great, but for Stamina Matter, when you want to mine for a longer period, climb further, swim for a long time, or do similar things, this is not something you should consider while upgrading your Palworld stats. I do recommend stamina and attack for the last.

How to Upgrade PalWorld Stats

It’s quite straightforward; after choosing what you want to upgrade in the game, here’s how to upgrade.

  1. Start by pressing the Tab to open the menu, from where you can go to the Player Inventory menu.
  2. You have the stat point and the stat you want to increase on the right side.
  3. Click on + to increase what you want to increase, and then click on Enhance Stats to confirm your action.
  4. Then, click OK to confirm your action, upgrade, and click OK.

So this is how you can upgrade; apart from this, most of that will involve your polos when it comes to combat or working. Hence, attacking, density, and work speed aren’t necessary, and you should level them if you already have spare points to invest in the game.


Because this game, Palworld, is more about crafting and your pals are strong, you should begin with HP, followed by work speed and weight. And lastly, consider upgrading stamina and attack. Focus on balancing HP and weight; however, work speed can be automated with pals.

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