Best 5 Non-Legendary Pals To Capture In Palworld 

Everyone has been talking about Palworld since the game launched in beta this year. This is an open-world survival game where players aim to capture and defeat pals while collecting resources while exploring the map. Talking about the pals, there are a lot of pals in this game with their unique elements and partner skills that impact the gameplay experience, including combat abilities.

Among many pals, legendary pals have always been praised as they are good for combat and also quite rare to capture. However, there are many non-legendary pals that players can capture early in the game that are said to be good considerations.

The Best Non-Legendary Pals to Capture in Palworld

These non-legendary pals are quite beneficial with several things that you can use strategically, as well as balancing to increase the chance of optimal ability.


Paldeck Number11
ElementWater, Ice
Skill ProficienciesCooling Lv. 2, Handiwork Lv. 2, Mining Lv. 2, Transporting Lv. 2, Watering Lv. 2
Partner SkillBrave Sailor – While fighting together, Fire Pals drop more items when defeated.
DropsIce Organ, Penking Plume
LocationSealed Realm of the Frozen Wings (Alpha Pal), No.2 Wildlife Sanctuary

This is one of the early pals, Penking, also known as the Pinonner of the Frozen Sea. It’s a water-type or ice-type pal packed with well-rounded stats in HP, Defense, and stamina. This pal shines on the base; simply assign it some tasks, which helps you automate the work and increase the job level.

Penking comes with cooling, handiwork, mining, transporting, and watering, making this pallet a versatile base for all your major and minor tasks. Apart from the simple tasks, you can use these pals to assign jobs for producing foods that will sustain your pals; they are also used to produce buildings and some items. That you will find on the Sealed Realm of the Frozen Wings as Level 15 Alpha Pals, or can also be 1 Wildlife Sanctuary.


Paldeck Number 93 
Element Normal 
Skill Proficiencies Lumbering Lv. 2 
Partner Skill Wind and Clouds – Can be ridden; can double jump while mounted. 
Drops Leather, Horn 
Location Falls Mineshaft (Alpha Pal), Outskirts of Mount Obsidian, No.3 Wildlife Sanctuary 

This is one of the fast pals that you can capture early in the game; I’m not saying the fast, but among the fasted compared to other rideable ground mounts. Players are recommended to get these pals early in the game. With these pals, players can head over to some location they want before they get some Legendary pals. It requires about 750 and a sprint speed of 1050. To ride the Fenglope, players first need to unlock and craft the Fenglope Saddle at Level 26.

Fenglope does jump double, is capable of scaling mountains, and at Level 15, players can equip the Cloud Tempest Skill, which enables players to cover a large distance. However, this pals isn’t beneficial for combat and is poorly suited to your base. I expect that traveling won’t be beneficial for other purposes. Players can find this park located near Ascetic Falls, in the Volcanic Biomes, or at No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary.


Paldeck Number 092 
Element Ground, Grass 
Skill Proficiencies Planting Lv. 1, Handiwork Lv. 1, Lumbering Lv. 3, Transporting Lv. 3 
Partner Skill Hard Armor – Increases player’s defense and applies Fire damage to the player’s attacks. 
Drops Honey 
Location Sealed Realm of the Stalwart (Alpha Pal), No.2 Wildlife Sanctuary 

It’s a grass or ground-type pal. I would recommend players get this pal, which can be beneficial for players to have strong defense stats and also a partner skill called hard armor. This does increase the player’s defense and also gives fire damage to the player’s attack.

It makes the Pals perfect for the front-line tank while also dealing damage from the back. Since it is primarily a base pal, which is notable, it also has a 3x in lumbering and transporting. Players will encounter this pal at Level 30 Alpha Boss near the Goblin’s Turf Travel Market or towards the No. 2 Wildlife Sanctuary.


Paldeck Number 104 
Element Grass 
Skill Proficiencies Planting Lv. 4, Handiwork Lv. 3, Gathering Lv. 2, Medicine Production Lv. 3 
Partner Skill Harvest Goddess – Greatly restores the player’s HP. 
Drops Beautiful flower, Low-grade medical supplies 
Location No.3 Wildlife Sanctuary 

It’s a grass or ground-type pal. I would recommend players get this pal, which can be beneficial for players to have strong defense stats and also a partner skill called hard armor. This does increase the player’s defense and also gives fire damage to the player’s attack.

It makes the Pals perfect for the front-line tank while also dealing damage from the back. Since it is primarily a base pal, which is notable, it also has a 3x in lumbering and transporting. Players will encounter this pal at Level 30 Alpha Boss near the Goblin’s Turf Travel Market or towards the No. 2 Wildlife Sanctuary.


Paldeck Number 104 
Element Grass 
Skill Proficiencies Planting Lv. 4, Handiwork Lv. 3, Gathering Lv. 2, Medicine Production Lv. 3 
Partner Skill Harvest Goddess – Greatly restores the player’s HP. 
Drops Beautiful flower, Low-grade medical supplies 
Location No.3 Wildlife Sanctuary 

It’s a versatile pal with support for players to combat with the capabilities of the Harvest Goddess Partner Skill that heals and also for planting efficiently. Players can head over to the No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary with higher levels and also have the Spirit Emperor passive skill that is also said to increase the grass attack, which is damaged by 20%. I would recommend players capture Lyleen to further balance to support the agricultural tasks.

Apart from these pals, there are many pals in the game that players can choose to capture. Not only can players get these pals on the map while exploring, but they can also acquire the pals they want through breeding.

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